2025 Pine Barrens Adventure Camp


Next PB500 will be announced in the Spring

We are proud to announce that the 2024 Pine Barrens 500, sponsored by Pine Barrens Adventure Camp Riding School & Cross Country Cycle Metuchen, NJ will take place October 25th, 26th, and 27th and will be a three day GPS guided “Hard Adventure Ride”.

Entry Fees:
3-day registration $240 – includes lunch each day
Single day registration: $90 – includes lunch for one day
Pre Entry only. Online signup will close on 10/24/2024

Mandatory riders meeting each day: 9:00am

Start Location: 3618 Nesco Rd, Hammonton, NJ 08037 Google Map

Motorcycle requirements: Street Legal, 75 mile range between gas stops.

Lodging recommendations: Various hotels are available 10-30 mins away.
Primitive camping is available at the start location in Nesco, NJ. No fires please.

Please sign the online waiver during the registration process. You will also need to check in at the Nesco signup tent to get entry stickers and sign property waivers. More info will be emailed before the event and GPS tracks are sent out that week.

GPS loading is limited, please load your device before the event. Do Not Ride without checking in.

This is a non-marked event, no arrows. GPS only. Use GPS devices or phone apps.

Please contact us with any questions: pbacridingschool@gmail.com

See you again around October 2025 for another PB500!

The PB500 routes for 2024 have changed because of a brand new policy instituted very close to the time of the event. They will not allow firecuts or plow lines for Adventure type motorcycle events. As you know those are not allowed to be used by regular every day riders throughout New Jersey unless it is under an event using a Special Use Permit (SUP). This allowance will not be permitted for Adventure riding type of events.

The more traditional style PB500 or 2 day PB300 type events are still challenging and fun events. Losing most of the firecuts does not mean there are not some tight old roads and interesting trails throughout the course. It is not just wide sand roads. Sand will also continue to challenge the rider in certain sections especially if on a bigger bike.

Newer riders will still want to consult with us at registration to talk about any deep sand sections and look at alternates.

Riders meeting at 09:00 each morning is mandatory.

These events are always under scrutiny, please observe 20mph speed limits on dirt roads in State Forest and always stay on the gps track. Park Police will be present on the course in undisclosed locations.

The machines allowed to enter the event must be street legal from the manufacturer, and have DOT Knobby Tires, USFS approved exhaust and a sound level below 95 DB. Riders must be over 18 years of age and have a valid driver’s license and liability insurance. No Two strokes or trail bikes will be allowed to enter. Quiet new street legal Two strokes are ok. No Helmet Cams or Go Pros will be allowed. And we ask for limited social media postings. Pre Entry only.

The PB500 entry numbers will be limited.
see eventzilla page for entry costs.

Our official food stop for breakfast or dinner will be Farmer Johns right near the start.

Farmer Johns

Thanks to the East Coast Enduro Association,  Ocean County Competition Riders, (OCCR) for Scrub Pine Enduro sections, Meteor Motorcycle Club (MMC) for Sandy Lane Enduro Sections, and Motorcycle Competition Inc. (MCI) for Stump Jumper Enduro Sections and the Pine Barrens Adventure Rider Crew.

2016 Pine Barrons 500 Promotional Video

World Wide Motors
Adventure Tim - ADVTIM
Back Country Discovery Routes (BDR)
Cross Country Cycle
EPM Performance
Motoz Tires
Solid Performance
Seat Concepts
Kissell Motorsports
BMW Motorcycles of Tyrone